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Dr. Katy at the INSIDE RETIREMENT Conference

Retirement Planning, and Investing Strategies That Keep Cash Flow Up and Health Care Costs Down.

Dr. Katy Votava, President of GOODCARE.COM, is one of four distinguished keynote speakers at the 10th annual  INSIDE RETIREMENT Conference May 1-2, 2019 in Atlanta, Ga.  

Katy Votava,

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Where will Medicare costs go in 2017?

There are some variables under clients’ control that they can use to bring down their total Medicare costs

Nov 7, 2016 @ 1:57 pm

By Katy Votava

First of all, people are asking me where Medicare costs, specifically Part B premiums and Part B and D high-income surcharges,

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How to minimize Medicare surcharges with life insurance and annuities

Green puzzle pieces with symbols of a money bag and question mark isolated over white, Understanding your money and savingsAdvisers may consider several retirement planning options with clients that do not create unnecessarily high Medicare surcharges

Dec 7, 2015 @ 11:48 am
By Katy Votava for InvestmentNews

If you’ve been following the recent news about Medicare you are well aware that folks with retirement incomes above a certain level pay surcharges for their Medicare Part B and D.

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