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A Radical Move: Giving up Income to Get Health Insurance

The New York TimesRetiringBy Rachel Bluth, December 1, 2017 Anne Cornwall considered two drastic strategies in her quest to get affordable health insurance premiums last year for herself and her retired husband. One was divorce. Another was taking a 30 percent pay cut. She chose the latter. That maneuver slashed the premiums

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How Unpredictable Donald Trump Will Impact Your Health Insurance in 2018

If you’re buying health insurance under the Affordable Care Act next year, your wallet might take a painful hit. Welcome to Trump’s second year in office.

By Bob Powell, November 6, 2018
Read Dr. Katy’s quotes in Bob’s article on The Street

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Older Americans may have to postpone retirement under Republican health bill

Retirement might not be an affordable option

  BY Robert Powell, Retirement Columnist, Marketwatch
with quotes from Dr. Katy Votava
Published: Mar 11, 2017 11:52 a.m. ET


The House Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would allow insurers to charge older workers health insurance premiums five times as much as younger ones and give states the option to set their ratio,

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